Cal Thomas Thoughts on Penn State

“Success with Honor” is the motto of Penn State’s athletic program. They got it half right.

The alleged sexual abuse of young boys by former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky is disgusting, outrageous, and immoral. That so many at the school’s highest level allegedly engaged either in covering up serial abuses, or turned a blind eye to them in order to maintain the “integrity” of the football program and its legendary coach, Joe Paterno, adds insult to unfathomable injury.

Baseball may still be called the national pastime, but football has become the national religion. College football is played on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, while professional football is mostly played on Sunday, the Christian Sabbath. Fans of both often express themselves in ways that are more vocal than the wildest Pentecostal preacher.

While denouncing what is alleged to have happened at Penn State as repugnant, we would do well to examine the reasons behind such things. Yes, it begins with human nature, but society — buttressed by religion — once did a better job of keeping human nature in check.

Since the free-loving ’60s, we seem to have taken a wrecking ball to social mores. Today, anyone appealing to such a standard is denounced and stamped with the label of the day, usually ending in the suffix, “-phobe.”

The medical and psychological professions have aided and abetted the cultural rot. Doctors once took an oath to “never do harm,” accompanied by a pledge never to assist in an abortion. Now the official position of the American Medical association’s “code of ethics” is this: “The principles of medical ethics of the AMA do not prohibit a physician from performing an abortion in accordance with good medical practice and under circumstances that do not violate law.”

Doctors once led, now they follow cultural trends.

On its website, the American Psychological Association brags, “Since 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations.

What changed? Pressure groups aided by secular education and the entertainment industry.

The message at Penn State was that we live in a culture that forbids almost nothing.

(Billy’s Thoughts>>> The above is part of a column that  Cal Thomas  wrote. Cal is right what has happened at Penn State is a reflection of our sinful culture. Read  the whole column by Cal right here.)

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