Monthly Archives: September 2021

Ann Frank

Another insane judge

A dad is allowing his 7 year old daughter to date and he is right the way he is doing it

Shame on United Airlines

Are you a Christian or are you a Christ follower

Keys for Kids Radio turns 30!

A significant milestone awaits one children’s ministry. 2021 is a special birthday year for Keys for Kids Radio. “We are almost 30 years old, believe it or not!” Greg Yoder of Keys for Kids Ministries says.

“It started off as the Children’s Sonshine Network and then changed to His Kids Radio … then it was generously donated to Keys for Kids Ministries about six, seven years ago.”

You won’t hear Keys for Kids Radio while scanning the airwaves, but it’s easy to stream online. “You can access this radio station wherever you have Wi-Fi. The most interesting way people find Keys for Kids Radio is a search on the internet,” Yoder says.
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sixth-graders take class to the great outdoors

Kids know the meaning of friendship

Biles says she should have ‘quit way before Tokyo’

Help Afghan Christians in Iran before time runs out

Fear rises in Iran as officials tear down camps housing Afghan refugees. Afghan refugees in Iran recently discussed their concerns with France24.

According to local sources, Iranian authorities forced thousands of Afghan refugees to return to their homeland “after coming to an agreement with the Taliban.” Iran currently hosts an estimated four million Afghan refugees, and another influx poses economic and security problems.

In a report released last week, Middle East Institute analyst Fatemeh Aman explains Iran’s vulnerability and security concerns:

Tehran has a genuine fear that Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP) insurgents might infiltrate into Iran as refugees. This concern is so serious within the government and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that it may have been the driving factor behind Iran’s efforts to cozy up with the Taliban since 2016. They feel the eastern borders are vulnerable and consider only the Taliban able to fight ISKP.

Meanwhile, Christians and other minorities face increasing danger in Afghanistan. On Thursday, one of the founders of the Taliban promised the return of hardline Islamic rule and punishments. Amnesty International documents the Taliban’s ongoing human rights abuses.
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