Monthly Archives: January 2016

Some words for  us Evangelicals and our leaders 

Listen to the audio of the commentary or read the transcript below. 

Do you think some Evangelicals and a few on the political right are so tired of the way Obama is destroying America that they are willing to put anyone in office. Which includes somebody who doesn’t have a tract record of standing up for the values they believe in.

       It has sadden me to see so many Evangelicals come out in support of Donald Trump. Sarah Palin is one which makes me question if she is committed to the principals we believe in. However Sarah Palin is a political person. I have been more sorry to see some of the religious leaders give their support to Trump. 

   One man who I respect very much and runs a well known Christian college said this in his endorsement of Mr. Trump. He is a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again,” adding, “In my opinion, Donald Trump lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the great commandment.”

Mr. Trump might have his good points but I firmly believe that our greatest problems are moral and spiritual, not economic or otherwise. To think that we can make America great again without first addressing the moral sickness in our society is to deceive ourselves.

Donald Trump is hardly the man to address America’s moral demise!

Proverbs 14:34 states that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

  Mr. Trump once said his sister, who is pro-abortion, would be an excellent nominee to the Supreme Court. His story of how he supposedly became a pro-life convert lacks credibility, writes Cal Thomas.

Those who support Trump must explain how he became a convert to our values instead of attacking those of us who bring up those issues. 

   It is one thing to want to share Christ with Trump. It is a quite another to want him to be President of the USA. 

What do you think.

Until next time,

I’m Billy David Dickson 

All Rights Reserved, 2016

This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on

Questions for Iowa Evangelicals to ask before they vote 

Read the story.

Omaha police dog killed on duty is laid to rest 

Kobus, a 9-year-old Belgian Malinois Omaha police K-9, was laid to rest Thursday at a memorial service held at Christ Community Church.
Around 1,000 people gathered for the ceremony.
Kobus was killed during a standoff over the weekend. Police said the dog had served with the department’s K-9 unit since 2008 and was scheduled to retire in March.   

“Omaha stands out as a compassionate community and it is with gratitude and community pride that we remember Kobus,” Mayor Jean Stothert said. “I share your sadness today. I join so many to share my sympathies for Kobus, the family that loves him and the officers who trained him.”
The dog’s shooting was reported in the final hours of a 25-hour standoff between Mark L’Heureux, 59, and police. He surrendered to law enforcement shortly before 7 p.m., after walking out of a house near 83rd and Keystone Drive. The incident began when officials tried to serve a warrant late Friday, ordering L’Heureux to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

Omaha police Chief Todd Schmaderer said L’Heureux laid down motionless for 45 minutes and remained motionless after police set off an explosion to see if he would flinch. The decision was made to send in Kobus, who was subsequently shot.
“Kobus not only died to protect law enforcement, but he died to save all lives, and that includes the suspect,” Schmaderer said. “Mayor Stothert, thanks for supporting OPD. I told her about Kobus and she was devastated. She had one request: To hold the ceremony before Friday so she could attend, because she’s leaving town tomorrow. That’s how bad she wanted to be with us today.”

( Omaha police K-9 laid to rest Thursday )

Exactly the right words, exactly the right way: Reagan’s amazing Challenger disaster speech

Watch the video here.

Pastor Saeed Abedini’s Wife Halts Public Advocacy, Citing Marital Woes and Abuse

Read the story and pray for this family. 

An Open Letter to Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Dear Mr. Falwell,
In light of your not-unexpected endorsement of Donald Trump for president, I have some candid questions for you. 
But I write with the utmost respect for Liberty University and with real appreciation for your own labors, not to mention those of your esteemed father. 
I raise these questions for you as well as for other evangelicals who also support Mr. Trump for president, but in doing so, I recognize that there is far more that unites us than divides us, and I do not intend to lose sight of that.

You had previously pointed to your father’s support of Ronald Reagan, noting that, “When he walked into the voting booth, he wasn’t electing a Sunday school teacher or a pastor or even a president who shared his theological beliefs; he was electing the president of the United States with the talents, abilities and experience required to lead a nation. After all, Jimmy Carter was a great Sunday school teacher, but look at what happened to our nation with him in the presidency. Sorry.”
So, on the one hand you have stressed that as evangelical Christians we can back someone who does not share our theological beliefs as long as that person has “the talents, abilities and experience required to lead a nation.”
At the same time, you stated in your endorsement that Mr. Trump is “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again,” adding, “In my opinion, Donald Trump lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the great commandment.”

I’m sure Mr. Trump can be a very kind man, and I’ve been told that, in private, he is very genuine and caring. And I don’t doubt that he helps lots of people with his wealth, and it’s great to hear that his kids love and respect him. But to extol his allegedly Christlike ways is, in my view, quite absurd.
You might say, “But this is where you’re missing the point. He is the man for the job, the man who can get things done and restore our nation to greatness.”
Yet this is where I have my greatest issue with evangelicals backing Donald Trump.
Simply stated, I firmly believe that our greatest problems are moral and spiritual, not economic or otherwise, and to think that we can make America great again by securing our borders, defeating ISIS, and rebuilding our economy without first addressing the moral rot in our society is to deceive ourselves gravely. 
Donald Trump is hardly the man to address America’s moral demise!
Proverbs 14:34 states that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” This is true for all peoples and all nations, and without addressing our deepest issues first, we will be guilty of repeating the error of Israel’s false prophets who superficially treated the fracture of their people (see Jeremiah 6:14; 8:11).

( More )

Christian schools can’t pray at Florida sporting event 

Prayer is important at Florida’s Cambridge Christian School.

 “We train our students that prayer is foundational to their walk with Christ,” Head of School Tim Euler told me. “Our faith is founded in prayer.”
 So when Cambridge Christian faced off against University Christian School last December in the 2A state championship football game, they asked the Florida High School Athletic Association if they could begin with a word of prayer.

( More )

Cal Thomas writes Not TrumpThere are good reasons to conclude The Donald is no conservative and Billy agrees 

When the publisher of National Review Magazine, Jack Fowler, called and asked me to write 300 words on why I oppose Donald Trump for president of the United States, my first thought was about the derision that was sure to come from Trump supporters.I was not disappointed, or rather I am disappointed that no one who reacted negatively rebutted any of the arguments I, or the other contributors, made about why we think a President Trump would not pursue conservative goals.
Sounding like Trump, I was called a “loser” and someone for whom one writer said he had “lost all respect.” Sure, there were some who called me “brilliant” (I’m filing those away), but the name-callers resembled their political master. Trump also refused to address our arguments. Instead, he mislabeled the magazine a “dying newspaper” and said it had lost circulation and no one reads it. Many are reading this issue.

friend said he is convinced that Trump is “teachable and we can move him in the right direction.” On June 14, Trump will be 70 years old. By then, most people have long been settled in their worldview. Trump likes to cite Ronald Reagan, who was a Roosevelt Democrat before he famously said he didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the party left him. But Reagan spent many years honing his conservative principles in speeches, articles, and radio commentaries. He did not have, as some nominees to high office experience, a “confirmation conversion.”

Quoting myself would be redundant (read us all at National, so here is the key paragraph from the lead editorial: “Trump’s politics are those of an averagely well-informed businessman: Washington is full of problems; I am a problem-solver; let me at them. But if you have no familiarity with the relevant details and the levers of power, and no clear principles to guide you, you will, like most tenderfeet, get rolled. Trump has shown no interest in limiting government, in reforming entitlements, or in the Constitution. He floats the idea of massive new taxes on imported goods and threatens to retaliate against companies that do too much manufacturing overseas for his taste. His obsession is with ‘winning,’ regardless of the means — a spirit that is anathema to the ordered liberty that conservatives hold dear and that depends for its preservation on limits on government power.”

Those who worship Trump have an obligation to say why he is worthy of their faith. Given his liberal background and poor explanations of why he now believes differently, how do his supporters know he will govern conservatively should he win the White House? He once said his sister, who is pro-abortion, would be an excellent nominee to the Supreme Court. His story of how he supposedly became a pro-life convert lacks credibility.

( Read more of this spot -on column by Cal Thomas here. )

US Senator from Nebraska Ben Sasse Asks Donald Trump questions we should all want answers to 

Ben Sasse Asks the Donald: Would a President Trump Govern According to the Constitution? Read more at:

Trump campaign says candidate won’t participate in Fox News/Google debate

The  story is here.