Monthly Archives: October 2021

Billy’s video commentary dads change a school:

     Hi I’m Billy with a Bible thought and welcome to my channel. 

The Bible says to honor your father and your mother that your days may by long.

Those who have followed my commentaries for awhile or read my postings on my blog know I no longer believe children of followers of Jesus belong in the public schools or as I call them government schools. I do believe  Followers of Christ who are adults belong in those schools as teachers, teacher helpers, counselors, principals,etc.

       I do believe a key is for good parents to be involved in the schools public or private.

      What can save a struggling school. A group  of social workers ? Nope. What about a group of dads. 


They call themselves “Dads on Duty,” replete with sweatpants, gas station coffee, and dad jokes worthy of eye rolls. They fist bump students in hallways, providing a fathering gauntlet that is deterring fights and decreasing gang activity. “Not everybody has a father figure at home – or a male, period, in their life,” one of the dads told CBS News.

God created dad for things like this.

We need more dads like these who are willing to be Biblical fathers.

Good for them and God bless them.

That is a Bible thought,

Until next time,

I’m Billy

Billy’s commentary 10-27-21 Pope should rebuke the president

The Catholic Church has become weak. This is not a commentary on my differences with that church on the  Bible and Jesus alone for salvation instead of the church. Trusting in the grace of God instead instead of human works. Or some sins are bigger  than others as the church decides. Or how we are to view the Saints or Mary. I know people in the Roman Catholic Church who are right with God.

      This is a commentary about the leader of Roman Catholic Church the Pope who this Friday is set to meet with President Joe Biden the leader of America. 

     During this past Friday’s press conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that “they will discuss working together on efforts grounded in respect for fundamental human dignity, including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, tackling the climate crisis, and caring for the poor.”

Extending that “respect for fundamental human dignity” of the unborn is not mentioned there.


Pope Francis has held the Church’s stance on abortion. As Nicole Winfield reported for Associated Press last month, he reaffirmed that abortion is“homicide” and “murder.” He also said that “if you have an abortion, you kill,” and explained that “that’s why the church is so tough on this issue, because if you accept this, you accept homicide daily.”

    The Pope for sure  has the right to keep what he tells the President in his meeting in private but he might follow the example of another Catholic the Nun Mother Teresa

When she spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast  she said  this in front of pro. Abortion president Bill Clinton By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

From Omaha, Nebraska 

Until next time

I’m Billy David Dickson 

Rand Paul Calls for Firing Dr. Fauci After His Latest Lie Is Exposed

The Problem with Deconstructing Faith

How should Christians handle Halloween?

Washington D.C. Assistant Police Chief Was Told to Kill Her Baby in an Abortion or Be Fired

Do teens upset you who come trick or treating well think about this

A Louisiana high school was being ripped apart by student violence so a bunch of dads rolled in and put a stop to it 💪

Commentary: 10-25-21 COVID-19 mandates









 Former Washington State football coach Nick Rolovich will be suing the university for illegal termination, in part because of “discriminatory and vindictive behavior” by athletic director Pat Chun, an attorney representing the coach has  said.

Washington State fired the head coach and four of his assistant coaches last week after they refused to comply with a mandate that required all state employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. 

    The Mayor of Chicago has said she will discipline police officers and fire fighters who don’t get vaccinated against COVID-19. Yes she is concern about  COVID-19 but not about the daily gang related shootings that are taking place in the Windy City.

   Then there are those members in the arm forces who are being told they must get vaccinated. 

  ÇA. is making it a law for parents to vaccinated their children.Forget  parental rights. Or if the drug is safe for kids.

Now I have Crohn’s illness so I believe it might be a good idea if your doctor tells you to, get  vaccinated but I don’t believe in laws or mandates.

      I know people who have been given so long to get vaccinated or they will lose their jobs, and I have been told about people who are working from home who have been given the same mandates.

I guess you can only be pro. choice on one issue anymore.

From Omaha, Nebraska 

Until next time

I’m Billy David Dickson