Monthly Archives: July 2017

Forgiveness is Not Excusing

Listen to a commentary,here.

Charles was wrong on little Charlie

The more I read, and watch Charles Krauthammer the more I struggle if he is truly on the right.
In a recent column Charles kind of stood behind the system in the UK which kept the parents of that little boy Charlie Gard from bringing him to America. Little Charlie died yesterday, and from what I heard the British hospital he was in would not even let his mommy, and daddy take him home to die at their home. Talk about evil, and mean.
The issue in Gard case was not that the tax payers of England having to pay for treatment here in America. The parents had raised money to pay for the treatment themselves.
Krauthammer in his column seem to accept the idea that the courts, and doctors of the U.K. knew what was best.
That is not even the issue. The issue is should they decide if little Charlie was brought to America. Don’t parents have the right to decide about healthcare for their children. Unless there is abuse involved.
Krauthammer writes in his column sometimes parents are wrong. I agree, but what about judges, and doctors. They are not perfect either. But this again should not be about who was right, or who knows what is best for the child. This should have been about who has the right to decide.
When you give a government control of healthcare as has happened in England this kind of issue may happen. Are you listening parents of America. This is another reason us in America needs to get Obamacare off the books. Too bad the Democrats in the Senate along with three GOP senators has made this kind of thing a possibility here in America.

Scaramucci no conservative, warns an actual conservative

A Washington, D.C.-based conservative activist says fellow conservatives should be concerned about Anthony Scaramucci’s presence at the White House.

The flamboyant financier landed at the White House last week with the title of communications director, but Robert Knight of the American Civil Rights Union says conservatives need to keep an eye on the tough-talking New York liberal.

“And make sure that he’s not going off message,” says Knight, “that he doesn’t have a personal agenda, that he isn’t retreating into what appears to be a very liberal background.”

News outlets reported earlier this week that Scaramucci’s past social media tweets reveal support for abortion, same-sex marriage, and tougher gun laws, and he opposedto a border wall with Mexico.

( More )

Parents’ loss in UK highlights need in U.S.

Here is the story.

A soul who doesn’t forget the elderly, and somebody who does

Dear Amy: I live in a condo building that was previously inhabited by many elderly people who have since either passed on, moved to retirement homes, or are in nursing facilities.

My neighbor has lived here longer than I have and makes a daily habit of visiting the former residents. This includes going to nursing and dementia care facilities.

This strikes me as odd. I’m in my 60s and, frankly, I don’t know of anyone who visits the elderly and infirm like this. She sometimes comments on their family situations.

Although I do not have any solid evidence of mistreatment of these people or finagling to get their funds, I have a creepy feeling about it.

My question is, if I ever see evidence that points to some wrongdoing, who do I contact? I don’t personally know these people or their families.

— Feeling the Creepiness

Dear Feeling: In my world, this sort of behavior is called, “friendship.” And friendships — or neighborliness — doesn’t necessarily stop when people move away.

It does not strike me as odd to visit elderly or infirm people. It strikes me only as kind, and it is something that some people do not only because they are kind, but because they genuinely like being with older people.
( Amy Amy. More souls need to visit our older citizens. Read the rest of Amy’s answer. )

When the Umpire is wrong, or an authority makes a mistake ( thought on the Bible for children )

Listen to a thought on the Bible for children right here. Or read it below.

Boys, and girls do you have a hard time honoring authorities in your life ?
Hi: Uncle Billy here.Children, and young people has something like this ever happened to you.
“Folks you are listening to the Little League World Series. Bobby Smith is the fastest 11 year old boy to ever play ball. He is on third base with his team down by one run here in the last inning. There are two outs. Just one more out, and this game is over with. Here is the pitch. It is hit to the outfield. The battler is safe at first base. Here is the throw to home plate. It looks to me like Robert will be safe. Believe it, or not the umpire has called him out to end the game.”
Later that night Bobby tells his dad he knew he was safe.
What should young Robert do boys, and girls ? What about you ? How do you act when your teacher gives you a bad grade, when you think you deserved a better mark. What if your parents are wrong in punishing you. Or they were right to punish you, but they did it in a harsh way.
Well the Bible tells us in Romans 13 all authority has been established by the Lord. That would include your parents, teachers, and even umpires.
So how should we act when a leader may have made a mistake.
First off we should pray for the right attitude. The Bible commands us to respect those in authority even when they might be wrong. At times it might be proper to talk to the leader, but we must do it in the right spirit.
Second pray if the leader is wrong the Lord will show him, or her. God throughout the Bible changed people, and he is still in the business of doing that today.
Third we should ask God what he wants to teach us through what this overseer has done. Even if the leader was wrong God can still use it to help us grow closer to him.
Last of all we should remember boys, and girls no one is perfect. Children are not perfect, and adults including those who have authority over us are not perfect. The only one who is perfect is the Savior Jesus who loves adults, and young people. That is a thought on the Bible for children. Until next time, I’m Uncle Billy

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A church started by teens

Have you ever heard of a congregation planting a new church through teenagers?
( Read more )

Eugene Peterson should have had a plan to stand for the Bible the first time in a sinful culture

Now, I’m incredulous that bestselling Christian author Eugene Peterson, known for “The Message,” a popular paraphrased version of the Bible, seems not to have thought through how he would publicly address this subject. A couple of weeks ago, two years into the Obergefell regime, Reverend Peterson was asked in an interview about his view on the morality of same-sex marriages. After winding around the issue a bit, he stated, “it’s not a right or wrong thing as far as I’m concerned.” When asked if he’d perform a same sex ceremony, he said simply, “Yes.”

The evangelical world reacted swiftly and with disappointment. Shelf space for Reverend Peterson’s books seemed at risk.

A few days later, he issued a retraction, stating, “I affirm a biblical view of everything.”

Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Seminary and an astute commentator on culture, wrote that there are lessons to learn from what he termed “The Agonizing Ordeal of Eugene Peterson.”
( Read the rest of this commentary. )

Obamacare has become McCain, Murkowski ,Collinsu law

A few days ago I posted something that all of us regardless of party should be praying for Senator John McCain in his battle with cancer. I meant it, and have prayed for him since then.

Today I am more than a little upset at McCain. You see he cast a key vote at 1:00 A.M. which killed a bill that would at least started the process to end Obamacare.

It would appear he at least misled the American people, and the voters of his state. He said in a TV add when he last ran for election that he would help to end Obamacare.

McCain in my humble view can no longer call himself a loyal member of the Grand Old Party. If he ever was one. He was joined by two other members of the GOP in voting against ending Obamacare. They were Lisa Murkowski,and Susan Collins. All of them should answer when they are up for election.
It is time for McCain to retire, and focus on his health.
Folks do not blame the GOP blame three GOP Senators for this failing. It is time to elect folks from the GOP who are truly on the right.It is not enough to be part of the Grand Old Party. We must elect GOP members who are truly from the right.
Thanks John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.

Proposed spanking ban lights a fire under Welsh

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