Direction of the nation and lets not point fingers

There are important lessons to be learned from the results of the 2012 presidential election about the shape of the electorate and how Americans voted. President Obama received seven million fewer votes nationwide, but it wasn’t a case of the President losing voters to his Republican challenger – Mitt Romney won more than one million fewer votes than John McCain as well.

Some of the much-vaunted demographic advantages that President Obama held in 2008 shrunk. He lost ground to Mitt Romney among traditionally democratic groups. Youth voters swung back towards Romney. (Though Obama still held a historically-large advantage there.) Catholics were at a historic high for Democrats in 2008, but they voted for Obama with roughly the same split they voted for Al Gore this time around. Jewish voters went more heavily for Mitt Romney.

( Billy’s thoughts – Lets be careful in pointing fingers at this time. The vote may have gone for Obama no matter who the GOP ran. This just might be the direction the nation is going which is sad.Read more of the above post right here. )

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